Saturday, December 27, 2008

Excuses and Reasons... Would if have mattered?

Today, I chanced upon an interesting quote (which coincidentally is very applicable to some happenings earlier today);

"Two wrongs don't make a right, but they make a good excuse."
~Thomas Szasz, The Second Sin

Which led me to search for a dictionary explaination for this word that has since become a common place in our day to day lives; "Excuse". According to, an excuse is "an explanation offered as a reason for being excused." Which means, it's an explaination, but not amounting to a reason.

I don't know about you, but I hate excuses. Especially when I am really, really pissed about something. On most of the days, I am actually pretty accepting, and even believeable when it comes to excuses.

But it's just not one of those days today, when a very close friend offered not one, but 3 excuses as an explaination for what has happened. Not only did I not bite on the explaination offered, I saw a change, and my heart sank.

A week ago before my wedding, my friend asked, "are you going to change after you are married?". With mock amusement, I replied after a pause, "unlikely, afterall Derrick and I have been together for a while, and we are quite used to each other". My friend turned over with a widw grin, "yeah, i thought so too".

After the short exchange, an invisible, subconsious agreement formed between us. It was like an agreement that things between us will not change no matter what (i.e. still make time for each other, talk to each other, be there for each other, be truthful and respectful to each other as we've always been).

7 days later, all that changed. And finally in return for our friendship, I was offered 3 excuses... all of which meant nothing to me... Not because I am not listening, but I know she probably made a decision without much thought, and I am greatly saddened because even she don't know the reasons.

I though I deserved better than that... I deserve a reason, not 3 excuses...

To the friend who sees no end: Here's to our own happiness... wherever we are...

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